Right! Photo number ten! It was in Chingola Rhodesia at what they called a feit or something like a fair. Where my folks obviously as you can see rolleiflex in hand were taking photos I presume they were taking photos of the people and selling them, by then my dad had started his photographic business and he’s wearing the blazer of the Nchanga mine where he worked, now as you can see mom smiling away beautifully, she was a pretty good photographer herself and I remember at this particular fair, I caused a stir because I was very very good with a pellet gun! They had a pellet gun stand where you shot with the pellet gun at a target and then you win prizes and I was shooting and winning, and the guys were saying has she got a different kind of a gun from everybody else? The guy who ran it. said no, this girl can shoot! Everybody had a good old laugh that was the fair there in Chingola.
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